Samira K Sahni

Counselling Psychologist
Verified Therapist Credentials


  • Company - Freelance Counsellor
  • Agency Name - Freelance Counsellor
  • Mumbai, 400053

  • Contact Name - Samira K Sahni

Additional Location

  • Delhi


In case you're in search of a caring and well-traveled Counseling Psychologist based in India, please give me a moment to introduce myself- A highly motivated and empathetic professional with a genuine passion for understanding and supporting others on their personal growth journey. My education, work experiences, and therapy philosophy all revolve around my unwavering belief in helping individuals overcome emotional, interpersonal, and psychological challenges to unleash their true potential. Throughout my career, I have been dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the lives of my clients. During my training at HealthCare institutions like VIMHANS and MAX SuperSpeciality Hospital in New Delhi, I gained invaluable hands-on experience and refined my skills in diverse therapeutic approaches. Witnessing the transformation and resilience of patients in a clinical setting further fueled my commitment to this field. If you are seeking a dedicated psychologist who can truly understand and support you, I am here to guide you through your journey of self-discovery and growth, empowering you to embrace life's challenges with confidence and resilience. Take the first step towards a brighter future by embarking on a rewarding therapeutic journey with me. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of your emotions and relationships, and I will be there to walk alongside you every step of the way. Let's unlock your inner potential and foster a stronger, healthier, and happier version of yourself. Reach out today and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

As a CBT practitioner, my approach is all about working together to identify and understand the unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior that might be causing distress or keeping you stuck in certain situations. Once we recognize these patterns, we can start to challenge and reframe those thoughts, which can lead to more positive and balanced emotions. We'll also work on developing practical skills and strategies to cope with difficult emotions and manage stress better. CBT is very goal-oriented, so we'll collaborate to set specific objectives that we can work towards, helping you make meaningful changes in your life. What makes my practice particularly unique and enriching is that I have had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients from different parts of the world. I have worked with Indian clients based in London, Boston, Georgia, Germany, Canada, and many other locations. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to work with clients from various parts of India, including Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Lucknow, and more. Regardless of your geographic location or cultural background, CBT remains a universal approach that can be adapted to suit your unique situation. My aim is to provide you with a supportive and inclusive space where we can work collaboratively to address your specific concerns and help you develop long-lasting skills to navigate life's challenges more effectively. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to share them with me, and we can discuss how CBT might be helpful for your individual needs and cultural context


  • Years in Practice: 5 Years
  • Last Educational Institution: Amity University
  • Year Graduated: 2021
  • License No. and State: NA

Fee structure & payments

  • Avg Cost (per session): ‎₹1300-2100
  • Accepts Insurance: No
  • Accepted Payment Methods: Direct Payment

Age Group of Patients

  • Adults
  • Elders

Therapy Type

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Anger Management
  • Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy /REBT
  • Emotional Freedom Technique


  • Adjusting to Change or Life Transitions
  • Aggression and Violence
  • Agoraphobia
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Attachment Issues
  • Depression
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Family Problems
  • Mood Swings or Mood Disturbance
  • Panic
  • Post Traumatic Stress or Trauma
  • Self Confidence
  • Self Criticism
  • Self Doubt
  • Self Love
  • Stress
  • Breakup
  • Bullying
  • Self Compassion
  • Trauma
  • Adult Survivors of childhood domestic conflict
  • Romantic Relationships

Last Modified: 29 May 2024